This Love S*!T
When you cry, it washes away my disguise. I leave because I can’t hide the truth. Love kept me full, age and time starved me of attraction. I saw a woman walk by, with the young body type I like, now I’m hungry again. Will you feed me?
Never mind why I’m hungry. If you ask, I will lie…”My mind was exercising.” It is actually the truth. Will you feed me? I will fill you with my proof. I think you want me to leave. It’s what you want. It has to be, otherwise you would get your young body back for me. Instead you get mad and yell to me…
“Your body is not what it used to be and I’m the one with the baby.”
True, but I try, and since you won’t, “That woman with the young body type will be my exercise, and the meal to fill my appetite.”
Anthony Markland