Blessed is the man generous to the poor. So, I learned to bless myself because lack breeds genes families pray to abort.
A blessed father is dangerous!
I’ve been of poor health and poor mind. I couldn’t see the richness of life and having people who want me in theirs. This understanding made me behave like a beggar wearing a king’s stature. Robbing and looting. Wrecking people who give and love freely to providers of stability and trust-the definers of beauty.
I counted on transforming ugliness into art. Staining bodies still. Leaving them so soiled it pains to see how real.
The currency of disgust equals profit when stomaching kindness seems scarce and looks weak.
My age of caring is a weapon. It takes life on both ends. It remains sharp and magnificent with each giving. There are more poor in the world than I can spend time helping. I pay them with respect so when it’s time to thief life, they won’t see me as a debt.
Who are you counting on?
If it’s anyone besides yourself-you will hear the heartbeat of doubt before faith dwindles.
Breaths held; eyes scan for exits when help overwhelms. That’s when you need to create offense instead of taking offence.
The man who can create his can never be owned.
To all the Fathers wondering “HOW THE FUCK DO I DO THIS?” My advice is Just don’t pull out!